Rule-Based Analysis
Rule-based analysis ensures accurate data, detects duplicates, tracks inventory, monitors payroll compliance, validates transactions.
AI/ML-Based Analysis
Employ machine learning algorithms to cluster data for insightful segmentation, enhancing decision-making and pattern recognition.
Comprehensive Coverage
Our tool covers multiple datasets ensuring a robust testing environment for data validation. This simplifies complex data analysis tasks
منتجاتنا راحتك
قم بتوحيد عمليات التدقيق الخاصة بك وتعزيز التعاون بين الفريق باستخدام منصتنا المستندة إلى السحابة. قم بإدارة طلبات العملاء وأكمل عمليات التدقيق بسلاسة في مكان واحد. قم بتعزيز ممارسات التدقيق الخاصة بك باستخدام تكنولوجيا فعالة ومتكاملة.
AuditorsDesk truly streamlined our workflow and enhanced collaboration across our audit team, saving us valuable time and ensuring accuracy in our assessments.
شوبهام أجراوال، KVA & LLP.
الوظائف الإضافية لـ AuditorsDesk
قم بتبسيط عمليات التدقيق الخاصة بك ورفع الكفاءة من خلال دمج AuditorsDesk مع مجموعتنا الشاملة من الوظائف الإضافية القوية. تم تصميم هذه الوظائف الإضافية لتحسين سير عملك بسلاسة، وتوفر وظائف متقدمة مصممة لتلبية الاحتياجات المحددة للمراجعين.
- AnalysisActivityInvalid PAN/GSTIdentifies GST/PAN numbers with validation issues.Missing GST or PAN NumbersHighlights records missing GST or PAN details.Blank Bank AccountIdentifies missing bank account information.Duplicate PAN/GSTFlags records with repeated GST/PAN numbers.Duplicate Phone NumberHighlights cases where the same phone number is used by multiple individuals.Duplicate Customer/Vendor code in MasterSame customer/vendor is recorded multiple times in the system.K-Means ClusteringGroups data into clusters based on similarities for better analysis.DB ScanUses clustering to identify dense data regions and separate noise.
- AnalysisActivityCredit Limit Not DefinedNo credit limit is set for a customer.Credit Limit ExceedanceTransactions surpass the defined credit limit.Unauthorized Approval of Rate DifferenceRate differences are approved without proper authorization.Employee Bank Account in Vendor MasterDetects payments made earlier than agreed terms.Activities Performed by the Same UserMonitors instances of multiple critical actions by one individual.
- AnalysisImpactUnauthorized Approval of Rate DifferenceRate differences are approved without proper authorization.Mismatch in Price as per SO and Item RateDiscrepancy between the sales order price and the item rate.Credit Limit ExceedanceTransactions surpass the defined credit limit.Credit Limit Not DefinedNo credit limit is set for a customer.
- AnalysisActivityProcurement IssuesTracks purchases from unapproved vendors or inconsistencies in rates for the same items from different vendors.Payments Beyond Due DatesMonitors payment delays against agreed schedules.Goods Received Without Purchase OrdersHighlights goods received without an associated order.Exceptional Time LagsIdentifies unusual delays between key processes like gate entry vs. receipt or quality inspection.Double Booking of InvoicesDetects instances of the same invoice being recorded multiple times.Delay in Approval of Purchase OrdersTracks approval delays post-creation.Backdated Purchase OrdersFlags purchase orders approved later than expected.
- AnalysisImpactBackdated or Future Dated Sales OrderSales orders are recorded with past or future dates.Overdue InvoicesInvoices remain unpaid past the due date.Missing Invoice Number in Sales RegisterSales records lack corresponding invoice numbers.Goods Dispatched but Billing is PendingProducts are shipped, but the invoice is not raised.Goods Dispatched Without SOProducts are shipped without an associated sales order.Duplicate Shipment for the Same Sales OrderSame sales order is fulfilled with multiple shipments.Goods Dispatched Against Cancelled OrderProducts are shipped for orders that were cancelled.Opened/Unfulfilled SOSales orders remain open or are not fully completed.Delay in Approval of SO After SO CreationSales orders are approved later than expected.Late Shipment of ProductsProducts are shipped later than agreed timelines.Delay in Converting PO into SalesSignificant lag in transforming purchase orders into sales.
Why Choose Our Data Analysis Tool ?
Increased Accuracy
Reduce errors and inconsistencies in your business data.
Efficiency Boost
Automate tedious data validation tasks to save time and resources.
Actionable Insights
Make informed decisions based on data-driven analysis.
Seamless Integration
Compatible with existing systems to provide a hassle-free experience.